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Physical Education (PE)


PE is an extremely important subject for both the physical and mental wellbeing of children. As such, we aim to teach many different sports and activities in our PE lessons as well as offering many extra-curricular PE options. The children will also have the opportunity to take part in sporting competitions against other schools.


  • To give all children the confidence and competence to engage in a range of physical activities. 
  • To create a broad PE curriculum offer that is ambitious and offers a balanced access to a range of sports.
  • For staff to feel confident when teaching the PE curriculum so that children get a high quality teaching offer.
  • For all children to lead physically active and healthy lives into adulthood.
  • To utilise expert teaching and skills to support both staff and children.
  • To provide stimuli for children and teachers to see the purpose and relevance within what they're learning.
  • For children to reflect upon their learning and set their own goals based on their own starting point within their unit.


  • Opportunity for all children
    • Active Surrey
    • Work closely with other Tandridge schools
    • Clubs, extracurricular offer, SWANS etc.
    • Sports Day
    • Meet competitive sporting needs for elite children
  • Broad curriculum offer
    • Skills-based curriculum offer
    • Scheme of work for planning -    
    • External coaches
    • Swimming, dance, cricket (TBC)
    • Experiential learning – taking part
  • CPD for staff
    • PE to be taught by class teachers, alongside specialists for some sports
    • High quality CPD on teaching skills – not a sport but the development of skills
    • Select and implement a structured framework for teachers to follow and ensure implementation of key skills required for the sport
  • Use of external coaches for CPD
  • High quality sports equipment
    • Link to the needs of the teaching scheme
    • Offer a wide range of sporting opportunities
  • Use of informative and interactive video clips/books/biographies to be delivered at the beginning of units/lessons for children


  • Increased participation in clubs, sports day, sporting events, extra-curricular activities, inter-school and intra-school activities.
  • Increased knowledge of what it means and the benefits of being physically active and healthy.
  • A wider knowledge and understanding of how to utilise different skills in a PE context.
  • Staff feel confident and are therefore able to deliver high quality teaching in PE.
  • Staff are up-skilled and able to deliver higher quality lessons confidently.
  • Children to physically feel the benefits of physical activity in helping them to focus within their other curriculum subjects.
  • Children to be given further visual representations of the ways in which their bodies should move to successfully perform a key skill.
  • Children to broaden their knowledge of the opportunities in sports available to them and find motivation through a visual end point that their sequence of lessons will lead them towards.
  • Children to develop their ability to reflect upon their own skills within a sport and enhance their motivation in setting and achieving their own goals.